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A curated collection of free and paid Rails + Hotwire projects to help developers build quicker. Starter kits, boilerplates, tutorials, code snippets and real-world projects to help you level up.

Week of April 1st-7th

Spent the week rebuilding rails.market as an actual Rails app (seems appropriate).

The initial version was build from just a flat file (HTML/CSS/Javascript) template called ListsKit.com from the wonderful Jason Leow. It helped me get something live in less than 24 hours and I’m extremely grateful for that.

For this next version, I didn’t want to go too overboard and really just needed to get something out the door to help get back some momentum lost after more than a month of not working on the project. But it still ended up taking longer than I wanted because I began second guessing myself and trying to be perfect. Eventually, I just had to force myself to ship the new version and go live.

It’s not where I want it to be (yet), but that’s okay. We will get there.


I have no idea if this will work. I have no idea if this will actually be useful to others. But I’m going to try like mad and truly welcome anyone that’s interested in following along on the journey (or helping in any way) to join along and share their feedback, love and support.

I believe we can all help make this community just a little bit better if we each do our part. This is my attempt.

Grateful for you,

Zack Gilbert